Quiz: Test Your Knowledge of Endangered Species

How Much Do You Know About These Candidates for Extinction?

Captive Siberian Tiger, Panthera tigris altaica, Bozeman, Montana, USA
Frank Pali/Getty Images

How much do you know about endangered species? Test your knowledge with this quiz. Answers can be found at the bottom of the page. 

1. An endangered species is _____________ that will become extinct if its populations continue to decline.

a. any species of animal

b. any species of plant

c. any species of animal, plant, or other living organism

d. none of the above

2. What percentage of the species listed as endangered or threatened by extinction have been saved by conservation initiatives resulting from the Endangered Species Act?

a. 100%

b. 99%

c. 65.2%

d. 25%

3. In what ways do zoos help endangered animals?

a. They educate people about endangered animals.

b. Zoo scientists study endangered animals.

c. They establish captive breeding programs for endangered species.

d. All of the above

4. Due to the success of recovery efforts under the Endangered Species Act of 1973, what animal is being taken off the endangered species list in the United States in 2013?

a. gray wolf

b. bald eagle

c. black-footed ferret

d. raccoon

5. In what ways do people try to save rhinos?

a. fencing rhinos into protected areas

b. cutting off their horns

c. providing armed guards to ward off poachers

d. all of the above

6. In what U.S. state are half of the world's bald eagles found?

a. Alaska

b. Texas

c. California

d. Wisconsin

7. Why are rhinos poached?

a. for their eyes

b. for their nails

c. for their horns

d. for their hair

8. What did whooping cranes follow from Wisconsin to Florida in a simulated migration?

a. an octopus

b. a boat

c. a plane

d. a bus

9. Just one plant may provide food and/or shelter to more than how many species of animals?

a. 30 species

b. 1 species

c. 10 species

d. none

10. What once-endangered animal is the national symbol of the United States?

a. grizzly bear

b. Florida panther

c. bald eagle

d. timber wolf

11. What are the greatest threats facing endangered species?

a. habitat destruction

b. illegal hunting

c. introducing new species that can cause problems

d. all of the above

12. How many species have disappeared in the last 500 years?

a. 3,200

b. 1,250

c. 816

d. 362

13. The Sumatran Rhino's total population is estimated at:

a. under 80

b. 250-400

c. 600—1,000

d. 2,500—3,000

14. As of October 2000, how many plants and animals in the United States were listed as endangered or threatened under the Endangered Species Act?

a. 1,623

b. 852

c. 1,792

d. 1,025

15. All of the following species have gone extinct except the:

a. California condor

b. dusky seaside sparrow

c. dodo

d. passenger pigeon

16. How can you help protect endangered animals from extinction?

a. reduce, recycle, and reuse

b. protect natural habitats

c. landscape with native plants

d. all of the above

17. Which member of the cat family is endangered?

a. the bobcat

b. the Siberian tiger

c. the domestic tabby

d. the North American cougar

18. The Endangered Species Act was created to ___________?

a. make people like animals

b. make animals easier to hunt

c. protect plants and animals that are at risk of becoming extinct

d. none of the above

19. Of the 44,838 species that have been studied by scientists, about what percentage is threatened with extinction?

a. 38%

b. 89%

c. 2%

d. 15%

20. Nearly ________ percent of mammal species are globally threatened with extinction?

a. 25

b. 3

c. 65

d. none of the above


  1. c. Any species of animal, plant, or other living organism
  2. b. 99%
  3. d. All of the above
  4. a. gray wolf
  5. d. all of the above
  6. a. Alaska
  7. c. for their horns
  8. c. a plane
  9. a. 30 species
  10. c. bald eagle
  11. d. all of the above
  12. c. 816
  13. a. under 80
  14. c. 1,792
  15. a. California condor
  16. d. all of the above
  17. b. the Siberian tiger
  18. c. protect plants and animals that are at risk of becoming extinct
  19. a. 38%
  20. a. 25%
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Your Citation
Bove, Jennifer. "Quiz: Test Your Knowledge of Endangered Species." ThoughtCo, Sep. 2, 2021, thoughtco.com/endangered-species-quiz-1182033. Bove, Jennifer. (2021, September 2). Quiz: Test Your Knowledge of Endangered Species. Retrieved from https://www.thoughtco.com/endangered-species-quiz-1182033 Bove, Jennifer. "Quiz: Test Your Knowledge of Endangered Species." ThoughtCo. https://www.thoughtco.com/endangered-species-quiz-1182033 (accessed May 1, 2024).